Undergraduate Child Protection Curriculum in the Southeastern United States

艾玛·阿森西奥,特拉维斯·康拉德博士.D., & 泰勒·康西尔,艾德.D.


Undergraduate Child Protection Curriculum in the Southeastern United States  文件下载
An identified shortcoming in previous research of undergraduate coursework in psychology and social work is providing adequate content knowledge and training that prepares students for careers as frontline child protection professionals. Psychology and social work are two of the most popular bachelor degrees entering into child protection occupations, yet training for mandated reporting and child protection is lacking, with many students receiving little to no 教育 before their on-the-job training. 缺乏准备会导致高度的倦怠, 营业额, 虐待案件管理不善. The present study intended to compare the current status of undergraduate child protection programs in psychology and social work in the southeast to determine potential strengths and weaknesses in this region's bachelor degrees. Despite the acknowledgment that psychology and social work programs need to improve child maltreatment content, only social work programs appear to provide a majority of child protection training at the undergraduate level when compared to psychology. Students leaving psychology programs hoping to enter the working world may find that they are inadequately prepared for the intensity of child maltreatment work and would greatly benefit from CAST-focused courses. 与零虐待项目一起工作, this project's goal is to help psychology programs across the southeast expand their child protection course offerings as well as understand how working with CAST focused programs in a multidisciplinary fashion can help benefit their students and future working professionals.

This study’s goal was to evaluate and compare the amount of child maltreatment coursework currently being offered to undergraduate students in psychology and social work bachelor’s programs within the Southeastern U.S.

A new memory process: Context familiarity dissociates from item familiarity


贾迪埃尔·佩雷斯·卡班, 埃文Clise, 莎拉•史密斯, Kiera里维拉, 杰西Bengson, 丹尼尔Drane, 兰德尔Waechter, 下属沼泽, & 理查德J. Addante

理查德J. Addante

A new memory process: Context familiarity dissociates from item familiarity  文件下载
Episodic memory is accounted for with two processes: ‘familiarity’ when generally recognizing an item and ‘recollection’ when retrieving the full contextual details bound with the item. 矛盾的是, people sometimes report contextual information as familiar but without recollecting details, 现有理论不容易解释的是什么. We tested a combination of item recognition confidence and source memory, focusing upon ‘item-only hits with source unknown’ (‘item familiarity’), ‘low-confidence hits with correct source memory’(‘context familiarity’), and ‘high-confidence hits with correct source memory’ (‘recollection’). Results across multiple within-subjects (trial-wise) and between subjects (individual variability) levels indicated these were behaviorally and physiologically distinct. 行为, 跨界互动在反应时间上很明显, with context familiarity being slower than each condition during item recognition, 但是在源内存中更快. 电生理, a Condition x Time x Location triple dissociation was evident in event-related potentials (ERPs), 然后被独立复制. Context familiarity exhibited an independent negative central effect from 800-1200 ms, differentiated from positive ERPs for item-familiarity (400 to 600 ms) and recollection (600 to 900 ms).这三个条件是相互排斥的, 完全不同的情景记忆过程. Context familiarity is a third distinct process of episodic memory.

The focus of the present investigation was to assess if the ERP effects for context familiarity can be reliably dissociated from those for item familiarity, and to add novel insights from behavioral measures of response times.

Does Childhood Adversity Predict College Student Risk Outcomes?

切尔西T. 刘易斯

切尔西T. 刘易斯

Dr. 特拉维斯W. Conradt共同

Does Childhood Adversity Predict College Student Risk Outcomes?  文件下载
This research examines the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ace) on college students' health, 幸福, 以及学业上的成功. 值得注意的是, ace, 包括各种形式的童年逆境, have been linked to enduring negative effects on individuals' health, 教育, 工作潜力. 这项研究, 与亚洲博彩平台的学生一起进行的, aimed to explore these relationships with the additional consideration of socioeconomic status. Our findings revealed that students with a history of more ace reported significant adversities including reduced sleep and exercise, 增加了工作量, 身心健康状况较差, 考试焦虑加剧. 有趣的是, despite an expected inverse correlation between ace and income level, ace remained significantly correlated with negative health and wellness outcomes even after controlling for income. These results emphasize the importance of recognizing ace as a potential predictor of academic risk among college students. 这项研究 suggests that universities could enhance their ability to identify at-risk students by screening for ace and incorporating psycho教育 on ace into university programs. 然而, further research is warranted to refine measures of academic success and fully understand the complex interplay between ace and college student outcomes.