
All members of the university community should be able to express their views by words and actions and to express by words and actions their opposition to the views and opinions of others. 自由探究和自由表达, 包括公开表达异议的权利, are indispensable in achieving the goals of an academic community.

为了维护这些权利, all members of the university community have a responsibility to conduct themselves so that such rights may be exercised without interfering with the rights of others and without fear of violence, 伤害或干扰. Freedom of protest is protected only as long as it does not unreasonably interfere with other protected freedoms. 由个人或团体实施的强制活动, 要么压制合法的异议,要么表达异议, are a threat to the openness of the academic community and will be dealt with as an extremely serious matter.

Orderly and peaceful demonstrations on campus are not forbidden, unless they interfere with legitimate functions of the university. The following rules and regulations are adopted to mainta在公共场合 order on the university campus and other university property.


  1. 任何违反联邦法律的行为, 州或地方法律, 如果是在校外实施的, 禁止进入校园或其他大学财产.
  2. No unauthorized person or persons shall interfere with reasonable and free access and normal use of any university building, 教室或其他大学场所.
  3. No unauthorized person or persons shall interfere with the freedom of movement or 演讲 of any individual or group.
  4. 当演说者成为抗议或争论的对象时, no unauthorized person or persons shall take any sign or other demonstration impediments into the building where the 演讲 is to take place.
  5. 每个参加讲座的人, 演讲, discussion or public event shall treat all participants in an orderly and reasonably courteous manner. Acts of social and political protests should not violate standards of civility important to the achievement of educational purposes.
  6. No unauthorized person or persons shall disrupt or interfere with classes, educational activities or any events sponsored by any university officer or official, 教师组或学生组, nor shall any person or demonstration interfere with the right of a primary audience to hear and be heard.
  7. No unauthorized person or persons shall use or threaten physical force, 身体骚扰或身体阻碍.
  8. 任何人或多人不得使用 language or actions likely to provoke or encourage physical violence.
  9. 任何人或多人不得使用, 在公共场合, 不合理的辱骂或淫秽的语言或手势.
  10. No person or persons shall, without proper authority, occupy any university buildings or premises.
  11. 任何人或多人不得检查, 扰乱或毁坏大学记录, without permission of the person authorized to deal with such records.


Any individual or group sponsoring a demonstration must meet with the Dean of 学生 or designee before the event regarding interpretation of the policy, 批准的地点(豹广场)和时间, 以及示威和异议的完整程序.

应学生主任或指定人员的要求, 从事示威的人, 会议或其他场合 on campus or on university property used for educational purposes, 或者在其他学校财产上, shall identify themselves in a manner satisfactory to the Dean of 学生 or designee. Only peaceful demonstrations are appropriate in an academic community.

To safeguard the interests of all members of the university community, it is requested that those planning a demonstration inform the Office of the Dean of 学生 as far in advance as is reasonably possible of any planned demonstration, its proposed locale and the object of intended protest or other purpose. 在任何演示中, 会议或其他场合, judgment as to whether the regulations are being observed shall be made at the scene by the Dean of 学生 or designee.

Responsibility for exercising such judgment shall rest solely on the Dean of 学生 or designee.  It must be emphasized that judgment as to whether the regulations are being observed shall not be exercised by demonstrators, 示威反对观众的人, in contradiction to the expressed judgment of the Dean of 学生 or designee, 除了这些人的风险. If the Dean of 学生 or designee at the scene of any demonstration, 会议或其他集会, determines that one or more of the regulations are being breached, he or she will request the participants to modify their conduct to comply with the regulations, indicating briefly and informally the nature of the breach of regulations and their requested corrective action. 所有参赛者和观众必须立即遵守, fully and cooperatively with the requests of the Dean of 学生 or designee.

Should any participant or spectator fail to comply with the requests of the Dean of 学生 or designee, he or she shall be subject to removal from the campus or other university property, 对于学生来说, 将受到学校的纪律处分. 之后, if, 由学生主任或其指定人员判断, there appears to be a clear and present danger of injury to person or property or a threat to disrupt university operations, the Dean of 学生 or designee shall seek the aid of the Department of 安全, the courts or other civil authority in maintaining or restoring order.
